24 Hour Criminal Lawyer NYC

Contact Maryam Jahedi Law Firm to Speak with 24/7 Available Criminal Lawyer                              

Contact Maryam Jahedi, NYC 24 hour criminal lawyer, if you have been contacted by the police, suspect being subject of criminal investigation or arrest, or if you believe you are facing criminal charges. Whether the charges are simple violation or more serious charges of misdemeanor or felony you need to speak with a criminal defense attorney.

Our 24 hour criminal lawyer in NYC is available 24/7 to speak with you about your urgent legal issues. If you are contacted by a detective and asked to go down to the precinct chances are there will be an arrest made so make sure to first call our offices to ensure all your legal rights are protected when dealing with the detectives and the police. If you or your loved one is arrested any time of day or night you can call or text us at (646) 455-7678 to speak with a lawyer. Do not wait, call right away to make sure your rights or your loved one’s rights are protected.

For quality legal aid available 24 hours a day call Maryam Jahedi Law Firm New York City 24-hour criminal attorney. We can answer your questions, provide legal guidance, get in contact with the police or detective on your behalf, and represent you in court at your arraignment when needed. Call ASAP to speak with 24 hour available criminal lawyer in NYC.

Based in New York City, Maryam Jahedi Law Firm serves the NYC-metro region, including Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Contact Maryam Jahedi Law Firm:

Tel: 646-455-7678
